Use Cases & Insights

Blockchain Implementations in South Australia & Australia


Some ethical considerations from Dr Simon Longstaff - download it here


SA Elections

South Australian Government Adopts Blockchain Technology for Upcoming Elections (2019)

read more here


World Bank Kangaroo Bond

Australian bank using Ethereum for bond transactions (2018)

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P2P energy sharing

Vicinity adds blockchain trial to $75 million solar and storage plans (2018)

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T-Provenance Blockchain Mango trial

Ag-tech blockchain trial in supply chain funded by Data61 & CRCNA (2018)

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Insights & Event Pre-Reading


Bitcoin Whitepaper

10 years ago Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin Whitepaper that triggered the beginning of the digital currency revolution underway. Not to mention, one of the most mysterious debates of scientific authorship in modern times.

Download it here



Industry Report 1

Distributed Ledgers: Scenarios for the Australian economy over the coming decades

Download it here


Industry Report 2

Risks and opportunities for systems using blockchain and smart contracts

Download it here


OECD Blockchain Primer

This Primer provides an introduction to blockchain technology, outlines some of the potential benefits it can bring, and considers the risks and challenges it poses. While not comprehensive, it is an overview of the key concepts and terms intended to help people better understand this emerging technology and its growing impact.

Download it here

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Ethics Centre BLOCKCHAIN
Some Ethical Considerations

The development and application of blockchain technologies gives rise to two major ethical issues….

Download it here