Ron van der Meyden
Professor in the School of Computer Science & Engineering, UNSW
Ron van der Meyden is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney and Founder and CEO of Rationative Systems, a startup focussed on "Rigorous Engineering of Secure Distributed Intelligence". He currently leads the UNSW Interest Group on Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Cryptocurrency. His research interests include the foundations of distributed and multi-agent systems and computer security, and his contributions have included work on deontic logic, deductive databases, foundations of public key infrastructure, model checking and synthesis for epistemic logic, and information flow security. He received the ACM Distinguished Scientist Award in 2009.
Ron previously held positions at the University of Technology, Sydney, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Tokyo, and has held visiting positions at NYU and Stanford. He was a member of the teams that constructed successful bids for and established the Cooperative Research Centre for Smart Internet Technology and National ICT Australia (now part of Data61). He served in 2001 as a research program leader in the Cooperative Research Centre for Smart Internet Technology, before establishing the Formal Methods program of National ICT Australia, which he led from 2002 to 2006. Outcomes from this program include the verification of the SeL4 micro-kernel, and Red Lizard Software, a static analysis spinout which was acquired by Synopsys.