
Rowan Fenn

Rowan is the founder of Rise-x uses distributed ledger technologies and intelligent contracts to support industrial value chain and supply chain automation, and to increase the aggregate efficiency of industrial ecosystems and the carrying capacity of the planet.

Together with our industry partners we are building the platform for the great industrial re-invention.

Meeting the demands of the future in the context of the 1.5°C climate change target requires rapid, far reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society before 2030. Within the next 2 decades we must reimagine, re-invent and rebuild our global industrial infrastructure.

This will arguably be the largest project that humanity has ever undertaken and has been compared World War 1, World War 2, the Apollo programme, the cold war, the abolition of slavery, the Manhattan project, the building of the railways and the rollout of sanitation and electrification, all in one.

Never in history has an opportunity so massive presented itself on a timeline so compressed and being driven by an imperative so existential.

Before launching his entrepreneurial journey, Rowan worked with Accenture in their Global Energy Strategy team and was focused on industrial productivity, and national and international competitiveness. He had the privilege of working for some of the world’s largest and most admired companies in countries around the world.

Rowan holds a B.Sc in Biochemistry and Microbiology and Postgraduate degree in Biotechnology. He is a father of two boys, and a husband to a patient and supportive wife. Rowan and his family live in Perth Australia.